Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fun-Eating Zombies

Posted by Vanir at 1:30 PM
As I mentioned a couple days ago, Team Stupid Ranger has started playing World of Warcraft. I've been fairly pleased with the game so far. It's a bit heavy on the kill <number> of <creature> and bring me its <body part>, but overall I've been having fun exploring new places and doing things as a group.

However, as part of the launch of their new Wrath of the Lich King expansion, zombies have started to appear everywhere in the game (especially near major population centers). And, like most zombies, they kill people, who in turn also become zombies. Sort of. When a player gets turned into a zombie, they can still control their character, and they can't use their old skills but they get a new set of skills revolving around the eating of brains and infecting others. Sometimes you get infected but you haven't turned yet, and it's a race against time to find someone who can cure disease.

It's a very cool idea, and a great thing to do during their Hallow's End celebration. It's a lot of fun for everyone -- well, except low-level players like myself. You see, the problem is that when a level 70 player gets turned into a zombie, he's still strong enough to kill my poor little level 24 shaman in one hit. Sometimes I turn into a zombie, other times I just die outright. Now imagine being me, just trying to turn in some quests so I can keep levelling for the first time. I go into any major city, and a group of at least 10 level 70 zombies is waiting for me. After dying/getting zombified 5 times trying to get away I try to escape this madness by questing in the Barrens, which is basically a field that contains nothing but grass and deadly velociraptors, and there are frickin' zombies roaming around killing low level characters.

I'm really not enjoying this. This makes levelling insanely hard (which makes me even angrier since I am on a limited-time Refer-A-Friend, and I want to try to get a couple characters to lvl 60 before it ends). I'd really be mad if I wasn't playing on a PvP server, those poor bastards on PvE and RP servers are getting PvP they didn't sign up for.

You'd think Blizzard would have learned from what happened in the Corrupted Blood incident a couple years ago that it's a giant pain in the ass when all your major cities are infected and the vast majority of the NPCs you need to talk to are dead (or trying to eat your brains). But that was a little different. That was a bug that people exploited and it spiraled out of control. This is Blizzard basically giving the greenlight for mass griefing. When you get zombified, you're really not able to do much aside from walking around, infecting others, or killing others. So we've got hundreds of players who are basically now bored and have one option available to them. Oh yeah, plus this is an MMO so the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory is in full effect, so not only are they going to kill everybody they see, they're going to stand around with 50 of their friends and camp your corpse too. If the zombies couldn't all one-shot-kill me, it would help. And I can't play the game I wanted to play, and most of the time I can't play with the zombies infecting others because I'm either dead or one of the level 60 guards kills my weak little level 24 zombie ass (in one shot). I can walk back to my corpse. Over and over again. Which, frankly, is not worth $15/month. What I wish they'd do is make all the zombies weak and slow. You know, like zombies. God knows there are enough of them, and you could even spawn more that weren't players to make it feel like a real live zombie invasion.

Making this worse for me is that the roleplayer in me finds this whole zombie scenario completely amazing. If I didn't have to level and I had to help defend the last bastion of civilization from wave after wave of the undead, trying desperately not to join their ranks, this would be AMAZING. But the execution leaves something to be desired. And by that, I mean if the zombies are here to stay, I'm going to cancel my account. Especially since Blizzard appears to be trying to get more new players and for existing players to make new characters with their triple XP referral program, this is a completely terrible idea. This thought keeps me thinking this is temporary and for effect, so that you take the Lich King seriously as a world-threatening villain. But if they really expect brand new players to hang in there not having fun and never getting anything done for a month while they're ruthlessly repeatedly murdered by members of their own faction "having fun", I hope it comes back to bite them in the ass. Turning it, obviously, into an ass-zombie.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Constantingly spiraling to new heights...

Posted by Dante at 12:01 PM
The weather is starting to turn cold here in Central Illinois, and on a slightly brisk walk out to my car I mused for a moment about how great it would be if I didn't care about what the weather was doing. We happen to be in an area that constantly gets hit by tornados over the summer and we tend to get several bad snowstorms a year that are generally quite inconvenient.

Constantly heightening...

For no particular reason, I started thinking about weather effects in the D&D campaigns that I have ever been in. In the sessions that I have run, I tend to like to use weather to color a scene and not generally as the main focal point of a game, however I have often run into the problem of how to introduce weather as being significant when it hasn't been to your characters up to this point.

This problem is compounded by the fact that as characters get higher and higher in level, they tend to be less and less concerned about environmental factors to their adventures. You could always cop out and make some sort of "killer storm" crop up that does 20d6 lightning bolts, but that just seems a little tired and obvious.

The only sessions that I have been truly impressed by the use of weather as a plot point happened to be a seafaring adventure that we did. The DM essentially made a terrible storm that just hung around and kept getting progressively worse, until it spawned elementals for the group to do battle with. The combination of setting, urgency (if we didn't get off the ship, it was going to sink into the middle of the ocean), and appropriate use of weather-based creatures made this scene a real winner in my mind.

I would love to hear some other success stories where DMs (or players) have used weather to augment a story in a organic, meaningful way. I tend to struggle with this as a DM, hopefully the comments will generate some great new ideas!

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Dealing with dramatic stress...

Posted by Dante at 3:28 PM
As a side-effect from our relocation proceedings, I have been One Stressed Out Dude. Last night as I sat on my couch waiting in vain for some of Fox's Animation Domination to be funny, I was thinking about stressful situations and how they play out during your standard D&D campaign.

The Dramatic Stress

The first stressful situation I would like to discuss is that of the dramatic stressor. The dramatic stressor is any scenario engineered explicitly to be stressful for the characters. This could be a dramatic plot moment, a tough decision to make, or some other storyline element that requires the players to choose between A and B. (I usually pick A, as a general rule.)

With this approach, you must engineer a way to foster roleplaying as a foundation for the stress and the decision making process. I have had several DM's employ a DECIDE NOW! mechanism of compelling overly thoughtful players into making a snap decision, but I find this approach only limitedly effective for keeping the storyline moving.

Yes, that's amplifying the stress levels felt by the players, but in reality there is a certain amount of thought that goes into your standard character response as it comes from a player. "What would Randor the Magician do in this situation? Wasn't his mother eaten by boars and wouldn't being commanded to feed the pigs be very offensive to him?" and so on.

Stress can help build a cohesive group.

If you can engage your entire group in the decision making process, the dramatic stressor can really turn into a teambuilding experience for your roleplaying group. It is a tool that can be used effectively quite often, so long as you're not forcing your characters into making a decision that they won't benefit from in some way. Keep in mind - plot advancement is a benefit, sometimes as much as treasure or experience!

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