House Rules
Posted by Stupid Ranger at 9:51 AM
As much as we love the core rulebooks, we are all pretty well set in our house rules ways. House rules give you that extra little help when the rules don't quite fit your party's needs. I'm always looking for good house rules to convince my DM we should implement, but here are a few of ours to share.
Re-rolling 1's on healing and health. When rolling for healings (either potions or spells) or rolling your hit die each level, rolling a 1 is an automatic re-roll.
No changes after your turn is over. You can change the amount of damage you did during your turn only until the next person begins his/her turn. So, if you forgot to add the +2 from the bard's inspire courage to the 3 attacks you made, you're just out of luck... try to remember next time!
No food need while traveling. Except in extreme climates (ie. deserts, frozen tundras, etc), it is assumed sufficient time has been allotted during the day to hunt for food so tracking rations is not necessary.
So, what house rules do you have in place?
Re-rolling 1's on healing and health. When rolling for healings (either potions or spells) or rolling your hit die each level, rolling a 1 is an automatic re-roll.
No changes after your turn is over. You can change the amount of damage you did during your turn only until the next person begins his/her turn. So, if you forgot to add the +2 from the bard's inspire courage to the 3 attacks you made, you're just out of luck... try to remember next time!
No food need while traveling. Except in extreme climates (ie. deserts, frozen tundras, etc), it is assumed sufficient time has been allotted during the day to hunt for food so tracking rations is not necessary.
So, what house rules do you have in place?
Labels: player tips, roleplay, rpgbloggers, Stupid Ranger, you tell us