Friday, April 10, 2009

The Great PDF Screw-up...

Posted by Dante at 9:17 AM
This week WotC announced that it has decided to suspend sales of their PDF offerings. It has taken me a few days to formulate my thoughts on this matter, so here we go. Honestly, it's this post from Critical Hits that finally got me off my duff to write this down.

Before I diverge from common opinion...

I agree with the common consensus. Shutting down PDF sales from external sources isn't a cool thing to do with almost no notice. What you're seeing likely indicates the beginning of WotC providing official PDFs via their site, which I suppose is their perogative.

I'll get the obvious stuff out of the way: a DRM protected solution is not the right path. Taking away choice from the consumer is bad. Leaving the consumer without an option to legally purchase something that they know is available doesn't really lead to additional sales in my mind.

And here's where I get angry letters from the public.

All that stuff aside, I don't care. I was scarcely aware that legal copies of the WotC books even existed, and to be quite frank I'm not about to pay anyone for the pleasure of a digital copy of a book that I already own. I've never looked for them to buy because I haven't ever wanted them.

I MUCH prefer to use actual physical books in my campaigns. If I only need one or two things from a book I tend to "wing it" anyway and make up what I need along the way. The only downside is having to haul the books around, but these days I can make it by with just the core rulebooks in tow.

Now I appreciate why others love having the digital copies. I might even use them if they were provided in some fashion for free with purchase of my physical rulebooks. I might be willing to pay a small amount if I got some other benefit from paying... like with a DDI subscription as Dave suggests.

I also agree with him on this point: free is definitely better and would repair this PR catastrophe. This also makes it pretty official: A LOT has gone wrong with the 4e rollout.

I await your flamethrowers!

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Thursday, April 09, 2009

Goodbye, Dave Arneson.

Posted by Dante at 2:10 AM
Our hobby had two kings and now they are both at rest: sadly, word reaches us tonight that Professor Dave Arneson has passed away.

Dave Arneson was the quiet force behind this hobby that we love so much and we are sad to hear of his passing. What amazed me about Dave was how approachable he was, in recent years sitting dutifully at his booth selling the newest incarnation of Blackmoor. As I mentioned yesterday, it was one of the highlights of my nerd-life to meet him each of the last two years at GenCon. He was always talkative and friendly, willing to trade a story or two about his many gaming experiences.

You will be sorely missed, Professor Arneson. I hope that all of the love and respect that was poured out onto the Internet eased your pain in your final hours. Our hobby will not be the same without you!

Thank you to Dave's family for providing information on these developments over the past few days, our thoughts and prayers remain with you during this difficult time.

Funeral plans are being arranged, and letters and cards can still be sent to:
Dave Arneson
1043 Grand Avenue
Box #257
St. Paul, MN

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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Score one for positive energy! Dave Arneson is still with us!

Posted by Dante at 12:04 AM
Thanks once again to the RPGnet forums and RPG Blog II, we receive some positive news regarding Dave Arneson's health:

From the Arneson family:
As of this writing, Dave is still with us. We have moved him into a facility where we can focus on keeping him comfortable. We have been and will continue to watch the forums and blogs and are passing along everyone's thoughts and prayers. Right now our focus is on getting Dave into the best possible position to maintain his comfort and his dignity. We will update the community as we can. We want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers and ask that you continue to send Dave your support in whatever form that means to you.

An address has been established to receive messages to Dave.

Dave Arneson
1043 Grand Avenue
Box #257
St. Paul, MN

I had the good fortune to meet Mr. Arneson two years ago at GenCon quite by accident. I had wandered into Crazy Igor's booth to ask about the providence of my OD&D books and Mrs. Igor pointed Dave out to me. He was kind enough to sign my books and chat with SR and I about this very website. It was an honor to meet a gaming legend like him.

He, along with Gary Gygax, created this playground for us all to play in and I highly recommend taking a few minutes to let Dave know how his contributions have positively affected your life.

Dave, glad you're still with us and thanks for everything! You've given us a hobby that has brought us many friends over the years and there's no way to thank you enough for that!

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Monday, April 06, 2009


Posted by Stupid Ranger at 10:00 AM
A new FLGS opened close by our house a few weeks ago, and I'm very happy to have found another store to browse.

Total Escape Games has a great selection of games. They have board games for family game nights, as well as the rudiments of our hobby, and they have a good selection of RPG books, dice, dice bags and other miscellanea. Plus there are tables in the back for games, and a small private room.

Steven Higgins, the owner, has done a great job of making it a bright, friendly environment. I was instantly comfortable the moment I walked in the store the first time... none of that awkward "girl out of place in a game store" feeling.

So for those of you in the Broomfield area, if you haven't been already, I recommend checking out Total Escape Games.

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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Urgent News - Dave Arneson hospitalized

Posted by Dante at 10:16 PM
According to this forum and RPG Blog II, Professor Dave Arneson's cancer has unexpectedly worsened this week and he is now hospitalized.

David's cancer has unexpectedly worsened just this week, to the point that he is in the hospital. He is heavily sedated and not doing well. He is not expected to live for more than a couple days, if that long.

Dave's family is asking for peace and quiet in this difficult time and that no attempts for further contact be made, nor any gifts sent at this time. As you can see the prognosis is not good, however our thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. Arneson and his loved ones.

If ever there was a time to fire off some good thoughts, it is now!

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