Friday, June 27, 2008

Regarding things one shouldn't muse about late at night...

Posted by Dante at 2:29 AM
We're getting ready to launch into a 3.5 edition Ravenloft campaign very shortly, so I found myself drudging the depths of motivation to work on what character I want to be for this thing. I didn't get too far down the selection path... being a DM so long has made me uncomfortable with the notion of selecting a single race/class combination that I have to stick with for any length of time.

After considering at length what adventuring in the Demiplane of Dread could mean, this random question popped into my head tonight and it was just too good not to ask you all:

Do zombie vegetarians still want to eat brains?

I think chances are good that the answer is yes, however they will readily substitute it for cauliflower.

This also got me thinking about Jonathan Coulton's Re: Your Brains. Everyone should go buy his music right now, all the time. I would really love to get the chance to hang out with him someday, but chances of that are very remote!

Have a very zombie-riffic weekend!

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Abstract Thoughts

Posted by Stupid Ranger at 12:01 AM
The recent trend on our site for the less than serious content will continue yet again. As we're between campaigns right now, none of us are particularly inspired to post game-related content. So, here's my contribution to the frivolity.

It's that time of year when Gen Con seems so close and yet still so far away! I'm very excited this year to meet our friends from the blog-o-sphere. It'll be an entertaining year, I'm sure.

Just a reminder, pre-registration ends this weekend!

I've been bitten lately by more than just mosquitoes... the writing bug has been after me lately too. Unfortunately, I haven't quite managed to get the inspiration and motivation coordinated, but I'm sure I'll get there. Until then, I have been enjoying Capturing Fantasy.

In other abstract thoughts, I've taken a break from Oz books and starting reading the Chronicles of Narnia. It's all good times.

That's about all for me right now. Stay tuned for more insanity!

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dungeons & Drinking

Posted by Vanir at 12:12 AM
Today at lunch, one of my coworkers relayed to me one of the best worst ideas I've ever heard for playing D&D. Simply put, he had invented a fiendishly simple drinking game to go along with standard play. The only difference? You could reroll anything, anytime you wanted. You could take as many attacks as you wanted in a round. You could take as many actions in a row as you wanted. And anytime you wanted to do this, you had to take a shot.

As you may have guessed, this would probably lead to some short and very spectacular sessions. So we started talking a little more about it, and decided with the new release of 4e we could make some modifications.

  • 1 action point = 1 shot

  • Use any at-will power without ending your turn (no limit) = 1 sip from one's beer

  • Regain the use of an encounter power, instantly usable without ending your turn = 1 shot

  • Regain the use of a daily power, instantly usable without ending your turn = 1 shot of something awful (like Everclear)

  • Finishing any bottle of hard liquor = substitute any roll for natural 20, usable anytime (provided you can still comprehend what dice are)

Disclaimer: We here at Stupid Ranger encourage people to drink responsibly and will not be responsible for anyone following through on this insanity and losing their property/spouse/job/life. And for the love of Pelor, don't do this Saturday night at Gen Con and miss Out Of the Box Roleplaying.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This is highly illogical.

Posted by Dante at 12:12 AM
I finally took some time to get into my 4e D&D books tonight, and I decided to start where most players start for the first time: the classes/races section of the PHB. I could go on and on about the nice concise layout and how the two page race descriptions are both informative and paint a nice picture including a simple layout of abilities, but that's not what I'm here for today.

I'm here because I saw something interesting.

There I was, reading the race description for the new Dragonborn race trying to decipher why it was that we actually needed an entire race for that sliver population of players that wants to act like a dragon. I mused for a few moments about Vanir electing to play a Pee-Wee Herman styled Dragonborn, spewing forth (pun totally intended) "ha-ha's" with each breath weapon and creating a big blue shield he called Chair-y.

Shaking off that image, I read on to find the "Play a [race] if you want..." block they added to each race. Play a Dragonborn if you want: to look like a dragon, to be the proud heir of an ancient fallen empire, to breath a breath weapon, and favor the warlord/fighter/paladin classes.

Hmm... this feels familiar somehow... oh well, continuing on.

Scanning past the physical qualities (that's why these books include ART) I lighted on the "Playing a Dragonborn" section. A few keywords kept jumping out at me: commitment, honor, oaths, and dedication. Then it struck me.

The Dragonborn is a D&D version of a Klingon. A Klingon with a breath weapon. They are viewed as arrogant and proud, and recognize the strength and tenacity of their friends and enemies. For a second, I thought I was going to see "secretly loves kittens" in the racial abilities.

I think the Dragonborn race is interesting. I'm wondering if it will feel a little flat once I actually get a chance to try playing one, and I'm not sure I would want to play an entire campaign flowing with the general race description that is given in the PHB. It feels like it could be that haughty contentious, somewhat mean fightery type that tends to darken the whole party with their prattle about pride and honor.

I suppose that's exactly what I'm supposed to think of them. Time will tell if they handle better than I project they will... until then, set phasers to stun.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

A few insane words regarding our GenCon event...

Posted by Dante at 1:10 AM
Many of you have seen Vanir's announcement detailing our GenCon event, and I thought it best to tease you all a bit with some vague details!

My good buddy Vanir and I have been knocking around some conceptual ideas about how this whole thing will unfold, and I can tell you with no level of uncertainty that I am certain it will be his finest sugar-fueled hour. Adding in the (internet) star-studded guest list will only amplify the insanity.

Vanir conjectured that he wouldn't be singing, but I might. What he says is true, because in reality I am a Level 20 30 NecroBard that can accomplish a bardic music version of Finger of Death. Hearing protection might be advisable if you're showing up to this thing. Also, men might want to wear a cup.

With the intrepid panel of bloggers providing two deluxe red dragons, disembodied egos, and iocane powder I have no idea what's going to happen but I do know one thing: I can keep up the funny ALL NIGHT LONG, so if this event spills out into some stench filled corner of the convention center after our hour is up, so be it.

And just like at Hickman's Killer Breakfast, gifts and tribute won't get you anywhere, but they will certainly cause something to happen. A briefcase of cash may get you on the panel briefly. Just sayin'.

One more thing (oh Lord, I'm turning into Jobs somehow)... there MAY be one or two other event announcements coming soon that you all should be aware of... but they will come later. Watch this space, there may be hints on how to make the most out of this event as the summer unfolds.

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