Better Characters through Career Planning
Option #1: Pick a Feat Ladder
Want to be a spectacular archer? A master of two weapons? A dazzling spell-caster? Take a look at the feats to see if there's a feat ladder that will help you achieve your goals! By taking a look ahead at where you want your character to be, you can make sure you have the prerequisites you need when you're ready to take those feats! For instance, if you want to work your way to the Manyshot feat, you'll need to have at 17 Dex, as well as several feats, starting with Point Blank Shot. By identifying early your desire to take Manyshot, you can start taking the necessary feats and place additional stat points, if needed. Plus, you can use your goal for roleplaying: after setting up camp in the evenings, before your watch, you attempt to shoot two arrows at once... to improve your skills and learn the technique required before you officially gain the feat.
Option #2: Pick a Prestige Class
Another option for career planning is to find a prestige class that really intrigues you. Most prestige classes have prerequisites, and if you don't plan for them, you'll find yourself wanting to start the prestige class but missing that one feat or those 2 skill points. There are lots of places to find prestige classes: the DMG has a handful to offer, and most supplements will offer prestige classes that complement the book's subject. I found a great one recently in Races of the Wild, and I built my fighter to ensure I had all the prereq's covered.
A little foresight and planning will pay off in terms of achieving your character goals. I enjoy planning these early, as it give me time to roleplay my character's development, as well as a non-game goal to achieve; it's a lot of fun to finally attain that really awesome feat or prestige class... just wait 'til you get to use it on the Big Bad!
Labels: Better Characters, character-building tips, player tips, roleplay, Stupid Ranger