Friday, January 02, 2009

Looking forward to 2009!

Posted by Dante at 12:53 PM
As we bound headlong into the new year, all of us over at Stupid Ranger Central met and came up with some resolutions for 2009.

Annoying things, begone!

Because of this fact, in the coming weeks you will see some changes over here at We have been using Google AdSense to monetize our site, and two things happened: we've made effectively nothing from this effort and we often see annoying or irrelevant ads on our main page. So AdSense is gone for 2009!

This is not to say that advertising will never return, but it will be only to projects very close to our heart and will be entirely relevant to gaming.

In addition, we've decided to part ways with CafePress. We truly love many of our shirt designs, but we cannot price them competitively enough to make up the cost of maintaining the storefront. Vanir is going to make some of our more popular designs into desktop wallpaper which will be made freely available as he has time.

For the record, our good buddy Yax over at now has a small collection of newly limited edition shirts! Thanks for the support, Yax!

Getting back to the fun of it!

StupidRanger, Vanir, and I have had a lot of fun with this site over the past year and a half. We're going to focus on providing the content that is important to us. Speaking purely for myself, I intend to continue to explore the ins and outs of being a better Game Master. That means one of my immediate resolutions is to get a gaming group together in our new locale. We know there is a small body of gamers right in our subdivision, and my coworkers have expressed some interest in getting back into D&D so this should be an easy win.

Both Vanir and Stupid Ranger have expressed a desire to stretch their creative writing muscles, so I suspect you will see more content from them on this front as 2009 progresses.

Relocating across country to a very demanding job has been taxing on SR and I, and Vanir's new wunderkind has drawn some of his recreational time lately so you can expect that our post frequency might not remain at the daily level that it was through much of 2008.

But that being said, understand this loud and clear: we are not going away. If you do get to feeling lonely and need some extra roleplaying content, you can always go drink from the industrial strength firehose that is Don't worry, we'll be there too with every roleplaying related post that we write!

I hope everyone gets their New Year off right, we're really looking forward to getting back to the fun stuff in 2009!

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