Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Longest 30 Days of the Year

Posted by Stupid Ranger at 12:34 AM
By the time I post this, we'll be 29 days to Gencon! I'm very excited about this year, it's going to be a great year full of exciting events. And if you're still looking for something to do this year, feel free to join us at the following events:

Queen of Geeks Pageant - In some crazy fit of insanity, I decided to compete for the title of "Queen of Geeks." So, Friday morning from 10am to 1pm, I would appreciate your support during the competition!

Mastering Your GM-Fu - Saturday morning from 8am to 10am, DNAphil, Chatty DM, Vicki Potter and Zachary Houghton will be sharing with us how to master our GM-Fu with Session Prep. I think this is going to be a great event... these are very informative GMs, and I know they will have some great advice to share.

RPG Bloggers Unite! - Saturday afternoon from 1pm to 2pm, the StupidRanger crew will be joining several other bloggers as we share our blogging experience. Come meet us all, it'll be a blast!

Out of the Box Roleplaying - Sunday morning from 10am to 11am, Dante, Vanir and I will be hosting our own little event. A little D&D with our own crazy brand of insanity. Maybe something useful, we haven't decided on that yet. Either way, you will be entertained!

Online pre-registration has ended, but you may want to check out the events spreadsheet for other gems. Online pre-reg reopens Aug 13, just before the con opens, so you can will-call your tickets... 'cuz you sure don't want to miss these fantatic events!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm attending Indy GENCON for the first time this year. Do I need a ticket for the seminar events you named?

July 15, 2008 4:21 PM  
Blogger Vanir said...

I'm not sure about any of the other events, but we're not going to be turning anybody away, ticket or not, from Out Of The Box Roleplaying (until the fire marshal intervenes, anyway).

However, if you do plan to attend, we'd appreciate it if you register so we have some idea of how many people to expect.

July 15, 2008 10:44 PM  
Blogger Stupid Ranger said...

I hope you have a great experience!

As for tickets, you can register at the convention hall for events. You can also get generic tickets.

Make sure you pick up an event guide from the convention hall. It will have a listing of the events, times, locations, as well as maps of the convention areas. Also, near the registration area, there will be errata listings, so you can check to see if an event was canceled.

We've gone for several years, and we always have a great time! I hope you have a great time too! :)

July 15, 2008 10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the worst time of the year for me. I am already half-checked out from doing any real work, and my mind is shifting into GenCon mode.

This will be my 7th GenCon, and I am as excited to go this time, as I was the first time.

For those attending for the first time, for some events: RPG games, CCG games, and workshops, you will need Generic tickets. Seminars are free, so you can just sit in on any of them.

I am looking forward to meeting everyone at GenCon this year.

July 18, 2008 8:04 AM  
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March 02, 2009 9:56 PM  

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