Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Characteristics of a Good Group

Posted by Stupid Ranger at 12:15 AM
Yax over at Dungeon Mastering dot com recently posted about the most useful DM skills, and it got me thinking... what makes a good group of players? So here are some of my picks for characteristics of a good group.

1. Cooperative role play - there has to be a certain level of chemistry among members of the group that allows for a cooperative role play environment. Characters interact and contribute to each other's story.

2. Solidarity - the group has to be able to function as a group, not a bunch of individuals. If everyone is divided on what to do next, the plot will never advance and everyone will become frustrated.

3. Sense of Humor - the players (and their characters) should have sense of humor and have fun. Without fun, D&D wouldn't be worth playing.

What other characteristics define a good group?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you need to expound a bit more on the chemistry thing. That's a big area to cover.

It also depends upon the type of game. Are you running a hack'n'slash DnD game, or a storytelling Vampire game?

February 19, 2008 9:02 AM  

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